birth your way.

Birth and Labor Doula

  • A doula accompanies a woman in labor to provide physical, emotional, and educational support for a more satisfying birth experience.

  • A doula works for you, not your care provider or the hospital.

  • A doula does not perform clinical tasks such as fetal heart rate monitoring, nor does she make medical diagnoses. The doula’s role is defined by the CAPPA Labor Doula Scope of Practice, which can be found at

  • A doula will help you make decisions by providing information and support but will not make decisions for you.

“Approach birth as an opportunity to have an adventure on the way to meeting your baby; rather than an ordeal to be endured.”

Anne Wilde

Birth Concierge

  • baby registry assistance

    • needs vs. wants

    • top rated choices

  • selecting providers to fit your needs

    • physical therapy

    • chiropractor

    • pediatrician

  • discount on doula services when both birth concierge and labor doula are selected

  • breastfeeding and birth education guidance

Photo by Alex Hockett
Photo by Rebekah Vos